City of Alexandria redistricting information – 2022

The release of the 2020 Census was the kickoff to the redistricting process that takes place every ten years. Minnesota law requires that congressional, legislative, county and city election district boundaries be redrawn every ten years after the census. This is also an opportunity to review polling place locations to verify that they meet ADA and statutory requirements.

The City of Alexandria has five wards, with one Council Member representing each ward.  During the redistricting process, the City Council has three roles:

  • Approve new, or reestablish existing ward plan
  • Establish new polling places
  • Reestablish existing polling places

The maps below provide the following information.

  • Map 1 shows the current map with the existing ward boundaries.
  • Map 2 highlights proposed changes to the ward boundaries.
  • Map 3 shows the proposed new ward boundaries.

There is a very specific timeline the City must follow regarding redistricting.  With the state redistricting plan released by the Judicial Commission on February 15, the City now has until March 29, 2022 to finalize new ward boundaries and polling locations.  Once the City has completed their work, Douglas County must finalize County Commissioner districts by April 29, 2022.

In order to gather public input on the proposed maps, the City has scheduled a public hearing for Monday, February 28, 2022 at 7:15 p.m.  This hearing will take place during a regularly scheduled council meeting.  If you cannot attend in person, you may attend via zoom at the following link:

Meeting ID: 827 4623 4341
Passcode: 183155


In addition to comment at the public hearing, you are encouraged to provide comment via email to [email protected]

If you have questions about the proposed maps or polling places, please contact Amy Riedel at 320-759-3622 or [email protected]

by City of Alexandria

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