This Division is responsible for planning, zoning, building and other code enforcement.  Services include site inspection, rental housing licensing and inspections, sign permits and license issuance, and general housing activities; as well as enforcement of the City Code’s nuisance prevention provisions.  What is a Nuisance?

Planning and Zoning staff reviews development proposals and prepares written reports on comprehensive planning, zoning, and development matters for presentation to the Planning Commission and City Council.  The Planning and Zoning Department is also responsible for enforcement of the Zoning, Subdivision, Rental Housing, and Sign Ordinances, and implementation of the City’s Comprehensive Plan.  Building Department staff is responsible for local administration of the Minnesota State Building Code, including plan reviews, inspections, and issuing Certificates of Occupancy.  The Building Department provides annual contractor training for construction contractors and plumbing, heating, and heating/air conditioning contractors.

Zoning Map -2023

Central Business District Map

Tax Increment Financing Information

Department Staff

A bald man in a peach shirt and patterned tie is smiling with arms crossed. He stands in front of a backdrop featuring an American flag and a gray, textured background.
Mike Weber
Community Development Director
A gray silhouette of a person on a light gray background, commonly used as a placeholder for profile images.
Erin Anderson
Planning, Zoning & Building Technician