MISSION STATEMENT: The Alexandria Volunteer Fire Department was established to provide fire and rescue services to the community when an emergency situation requires the AFD to be dispatched and to provide public fire education.

MOTTO:  “Professional…Dedicated…Role Models”



We are dedicated to serving the citizens of Alexandria and are committed to the preservation of life, health, property, and the environment of our community. We serve with honor.


We pride ourselves in the delivery of our services and our responses. We pursue excellence through personal improvement and personal development. We advance our knowledge and skills through continuous training, continuing education and professional development.


We acknowledge the trust placed in us by the public and our members is integral to the performance of our duties. We are committed to honest and ethical behavior.


We hold ourselves accountable to our community and fellow firefighters. We accept responsibility for our decisions and actions.


We aspire to identify and implement innovative and progressive ways to provide critical services to our citizens. We value and respect the thoughts and ideas of all AFD members.


We realize that much of our work is dangerous and the challenges we face can only be overcome by a well coordinated team effort. We value each individual’s contribution, yet we measure our successes and failures not as individuals, but as a dedicated, professional team of role models.


MSFCA Minnesota State Fire Chiefs Association

MNIAAI Minnesota Chapter International Assocaition of Arson Invetigators

FMAM Fire Marshal Association of Minnesota

MSFDA Minnesota State Fire Department Association

Department Staff

Chief Karrow
Jeff Karrow
Fire Chief