Public Works – Park Department


The Public Works Department strives to efficiently provide essential services to the community.  They are often a first point of contact for citizens as they are called upon to take care of issues with streets, sidewalks, special events, and more.  They take special pride in working as a team to complete the snow removal process as quickly as possible.

City Parks

There are may beautiful parks located within the City of Alexandria! The three main parks with shelters are City Park, Noonan’s Park and Fillmore-Dean Melton Park.

  • City Park is located at 130 City Park Road and is the only park where the shelters can be reserved. The upper shelter at City Park is a great place for family reunions, church functions, and gatherings of any type. The lower shelter, also known as “The Bandstand Shelter”, is a wonderful place to hold a wedding with Lake Agnes as the background.
    • Either shelter can be reserved daily for $50.00 plus tax by calling City Hall at 320-763-6678. Reservations for each year begin on January 1st.
    • City Park is also the home of “Art In The Park” which is held the last weekend in July.
  • During the winter months the pond at Noonan’s Park transforms into an ice skating rink complimented with a warming house.
  • Fillmore-Dean Melton Park has a shelter and restrooms, great for family gatherings. It houses a kid friendly play area, baseball field, and a large open area.

Parks and Trails Master Plan

Click here to view the completed City of Alexandria Parks and Trails Master Plan.  This plan will give the Park Board and City Council a chance to plan and budget for the projects in the 22 parks and create a timeline to complete those projects.

Looking for a place to play tennis?

Discovery Middle School has 8 courts total. 4 of the 8 courts marked for pickleball and tennis.  The other 4 are marked for tennis only.

Alexandria Area High School has 12 tennis courts with no pickleball courts/lines.

The community is able to use them at their leisure, first come, first serve.  The only time they are reserved is when Alexandria Public Schools/Community Education has programming or the tennis association is renting due to tournament, etc.


Department Staff

Bill Thoennes is smiling warmly while wearing a white polo shirt against a gray background.
Bill Thoennes
Public Works Division Director

Dept Contact Info

Phone: 320-763-6678
212 Agnes Avenue, Alexandria, MN, United States