City of Alexandria Budget

Welcome to the City of Alexandria budget.  The budget is the single-most important policy document that a local unit of government adopts.

The Mayor, City Council, and staff are excited to share their goals and priorities through this budget.  Through a strategic planning process the City adopted the following WHY statement:  “To Make Alexandria the Place You Choose”.

The City aims to meet this WHY statement through focusing the budget around the six strategic priorities in the Strategic Plan.

  • Operational Excellence
  • Long-Term Planning
  • Sustainable Infrastructure
  • Safe Communities
  • Economic Vitality
  • Communications

The budget presentation goes into more detail on the budget.  A detailed description by department of the numbers inside the City budget can be found on the budget detail page.  Finally, some common questions about the budget are answered on the budget FAQ’s page.

Thank you for visiting this page.  We encourage and welcome questions about the budget.  Contact information for city staff is on the website.  Please call, email or stop by City Hall at 704 Broadway.  We’d love to hear from you!



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