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Ordinance 823
Vacating a Portion of Second Avenue East and a Portion of Oak Street Adjacent to Blocks 25 and 26 "Lakeside Addition to the Town of Alexandria"
Ordinance 822
Amend Section 10.04, Subdivision 2 Rezoning Areas Lying Between Third Avenue and Fourth Avenue and Between Maple Street and Nokomis Street
Ordinance 819
Vacating a Portion of a Platted Utility Easement in the Plat of "North Nokomis Addition"
Ordinance 818
Amend Section 3.07, Subdivision 11 of the City Code, On-Sale Liquor Licenses
Ordinance 817
Amend Section 2.04 of the City Code Relating to the Park and Recreation Board
Ordinance 816
Amend Article X of the Home Rule Charter Relating to Board of Public Utilities
Ordinance 815
Amend Section 7.09 of the Home Rule Charter Relating to Contracts and Purchases
Ordinance 814
Amend Section 6.02 of the Home Rule Charter Relating to Board of Public Utilities