Election: Frequently Asked Questions

When are the elections?

  • Presidential Primary Election – Tuesday, March 5, 2024
  • Primary Election – Tuesday, August 13, 2024
  • General Election – Tuesday, November 5, 2024

When are polling places open for voting?

Polling Places in the City of Alexandria are open from 7:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M.

Can I get time off work to vote?

Yes, Minnesota law allows you to take time off from work, without loss of salary or wages, to vote during absentee/early voting and the day of state elections.

Who is eligible to vote?

  • 18 years of age or older
  • a U.S. citizen
  • a Minnesota resident for at least 20 days before the election
  • not a convicted and incarcerated felon
  • not under guardianship of the person where you have not retained the right to vote
  • not legally incompetent

Can I get assistance in the polling place?

Yes, if you need help with voting, you can ask the election judges at the polling place for assistance in reading or marking your ballot.  You may also bring someone with to help you.

All polling places are fully accessible with clearly marked accessible doors and parking spaces.  If you can’t easily leave your car, you can ask for the ballot to be brought out to you in your car.

If you are unable to go to the polling place due to an illness or disability, you can vote by absentee ballot.

If you have limited vision, you may ask your county auditor for voter registration and absentee ballot instructions in large print or on cassette tape.

What is absentee voting?

Any eligible voter can vote by absentee ballot.

With absentee voting, you can vote either in person before election day or by mail.  Call the Douglas County Auditor/Treasurer at 320-762-3881 for details.

In person – apply and/or vote during normal office hours  at the Douglas County Auditor/Treasurers office, 821 Cedar Street from 10 AM to 3 PM the Saturday afternoon before the election or until 5 PM the Monday evening before the election.

By mail – if you are in the military or outside the U.S., vote based on where you last lived in Minnesota.  You or your parent, spouse, brother, sister or adult child can apply for you.  Be sure to apply early!

Need more information?

Secretary of State Steve Simon

Douglas County Auditor/Treasurer
821 Cedar Street
Alexandria, MN 56308
320-762-3881 (Elections)

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