12 events found.
City Council Special Meeting
Board of Commissioners Room, Douglas County, 821 Cedar St 821 Cedar St, Alexandria, MN, United StatesNOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING The Alexandria City Council will hold a special meeting at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 7. The meeting will be a joint discussion with the Douglas County Board of Commissioners in the County Board Room at 821 Cedar Street. The agenda is as follows: Pope Douglas Solid Waste Update…
ALASD Board Meeting
ALASD Board Room 2201 Nevada Street, Alexandria, MNCity Council Meeting
Council Chambers 704 Broadway, Alexandria, MN, United StatesRCC Commission Meeting
Runestone Community Center 802 3rd Ave W, Alexandria, MN, United StatesCommission Members will be attending remotely at these two addresses in Alexandria: 1312 Broadway St 1405 N Nokomis NE
Planning Commission Meeting
Council Chambers 704 Broadway, Alexandria, MN, United StatesStormwater Management Committee
City Hall 704 Broadway, Alexandria, MN, United StatesSpecial RCC Commission Meeting
Runestone Community Center 802 3rd Ave W, Alexandria, MN, United StatesCommission member will be attending remotely at this address: 1405 N Nokomis NE