History of Alexandria Minnesota

Alexandria, a thriving city on the edge of Minnesota’s western prairie, is noted for its’ location among hundreds of clear, blue Minnesota lakes.  It is a favorite vacation spot for thousands each year, and it is one of the fastest growing communities in the western part of the state. But what were the early days like?  What took place here that made our town grow into the present community of Alexandria?  For that answer we must turn back the clock…to the years preceding the Civil War.  Two young brothers, Alexander and William Kinkead, came from Delaware westward following dreams of settling land in the Minnesota Territory.  Their travels brought them along the Red River Trail at the time when Minnesota moved from territory to statehood.  THE YEAR…1858!!

(This is an excerpt from an article “The Kinkead Saga” found on the Alexandria Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce website under Community History.)

Please follow the link to their site for more interesting articles on the history of Alexandria, Douglas County, Big Ole and the Runestone, to name a few.

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