Home Rule Charter Of The City Of Alexandria

The Minnesota Constitution permits the Legislature to establish home rule charter cities, counties, and other units of local government. State statutes enacted under this constitutional authority authorize cities to adopt home rule charters. Any city may adopt a home rule charter. A charter can best be described as a local constitution.  Of the 853 cities in the state, 107 are currently operating under a voter-approved home rule charter.  Alexandria has been operating under the Home Rule Charter for over 100 years.

Charter cities are required to have a Charter Commission whose role is to study the local charter and government.  They have the ability to propose charter changes.  The Alexandria Home Rule Charter was last amended in 2022.  A link to the charter is below.

Home Rule Charter -updated 1-11-2023


The League of Minnesota Cities has gone further in to detail about the two different types of governing.  That document can be found HERE.

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