Report A Nuisance

What is a Nuisance?


One of the most frequently requested services of the City is to help alleviate what is broadly called “Nuisances”.  These may take the shape of a property with un-mowed or high grass, junk cars, piles of debris, brush piles or unused appliances or machinery, as well as weeds, deteriorated or unsafe buildings, snow or ice on public sidewalks, and any other items or acts that may reduce or negatively affect our quality of life.

The City does encourage all residents to maintain their property in a manner that is neat, clean and respectful to the other members of the community.

The City’s nuisance ordinance is enforced primarily through a complaint system, where residents can either call or email with a concern about a specific property.  In 2022 City staff conducted over 400 nuisance complaint inspections, City-wide.  All complaint reports are confidential.

If you have questions about the City’s nuisance program, or if you know of a nuisance property, please complete the form below.  The identity of a party making such a complaint is protected as confidential by Minnesota State law. (Minnesota Statutes 13.44, Subd. 1.)


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