The City of Alexandria is looking for input on face coverings

The City of Alexandria is interested in hearing from the public for an upcoming City Council discussion regarding the use of face coverings in the Alexandria community. Specifically, if you believe that a mandate should or should not be given to require face coverings in public. To give input, please email [email protected] or call to leave a Voicemail at 320.759.3607.  All of the responses are public information and not anonymous.

The information and responses collected will be presented to the Mayor and City Council.  At the next scheduled City Council meeting on July 27, these responses will be discussed and there will be time available for public comment on the issue.  Following the discussion, the City Council will consider and may choose to take additional action regarding this issue.  Please note, however, that an ordinance relating to face coverings is not being drafted for consideration at the meeting.  The City Council wishes to hear from the public before making a decision on drafting an ordinance.

People who would like to attend the meeting are encouraged to do so by Zoom.  The link for that meeting is attached below. Please note:  the participant will need to use a passcode and will be put in the waiting room for approval to enter the meeting. That means guests should identify themselves with first and last names.

We value the input from all and look forward to an ongoing discussion during these uncertain times.

Topic: City Council meeting – July 27
Time: Jul 27, 2020 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 864 1983 9903
Password: 829655

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+1 312 626 6799

Meeting ID: 864 1983 9903

by City of Alexandria

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