Budget Presentation

Each year, the City is required to adopt the budget in two steps.  The first step takes place before September 30 and is the adoption of a preliminary budget and tax levy.  At that time, the City Council sets the maximum property tax levy and reveals the preliminary budget for the City.

The second step must take place by the end of December and is the adoption of the final budget and tax levy.  The City Council may lower the property tax levy from what was adopted in September, but they cannot raise it.

In December, the City is required to hold a Truth-In-Taxation public hearing.  In both September and December, a presentation is made to the City Council that outlines the coming year budget.  The presentation slides and supporting summary documents are linked below.





Budget Snapshot


Comparison of 2023 and 2024 budgets

This document compares the 2023 and 2024 budgets.  Please note the departments highlighted in yellow comprise the General Fund of the City.  The General Fund is considered the operating budget of the City.

The middle section of the page consists of budget items that are for capital and equipment funds, along with several other special funds of the City.

The bottom of the page shows the major categories of city revenues.

2023-2024 Budget Comparison


2019-2024 Tax Capacity and Tax Rate Comparison

This document provides information on the City’s tax capacity and tax rate for the last six years.  This document highlights that as the Total Tax Capacity of the city has increased, the average city tax rate has gone down over the last six years.

2019-2024 Tax Capacity and Tax Rate Comparison


Proposed Property Tax Impact

This document, prepared by City Assessor Reed Heidelberger, looks at the impact of the proposed 2024 property tax levies by the City, County and School District 206 on specific sample parcels within the City.  It is important to note that this document is based on the preliminary tax levies authorized by all entities in September.  Should the City, Douglas County, and/or School District 206 lower their final levy, this document would also change.  Since levies can’t be raised in December, it’s fair to say this document represents the highest potential property tax impact for each parcel.

Property Tax Impact


Debt Service Summary

This page summarizes the debt retirement levy in the 2024 budget.  This levy is to pay for past capital projects for which the City has issued bonds.  These are projects such as the new police station in 2010, orderly annexation waterline extension projects constructed between 2009 and 2015, and citywide energy savings projects and Runestone Community Center renovation in 2016.

2024 Debt Service Levy

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