Building Department

The City of Alexandria Building Department is responsible for administrating the Minnesota State Building Code.


Building and related permits ensure that projects will be constructed according to nationally recognized standards. Those standards are designed to protect buildings from collapse and fire, and to ensure the safety of all building components. Review of permit applications also ensures that projects meet zoning requirements, such as yard coverage, setbacks and building height and size.

Some permits, such as minor plumbing, heating, re-roofing, and re-siding, as well as window replacements can be issued at the time of application. Other residential permit applications may take up to five working days to review and process. Applications should be submitted for review well in advance of the scheduled start date. This will allow staff time to offer assistance through the process and issue the permit at the start of the project.

Building Code Enforcement – 2023


Various inspections are required for all permits. An inspection record card will be issued to identify the required inspections for each project. This inspection record card must remain available and posted visible from the street. Inspection requests are made through the Building Department at city hall, and generally require a minimum of 24 hour notice. The direct line for inspection requests is 320-763-6678.

2023 AMBO Building Department of the Year

The Association of Minnesota Building Officials has selected Alexandria’s Building Department as their Building Department of the Year. The award is being presented at the International Code Council’s Upper Great Plains Region III Annual Educational Institute on Monday, February 12, at the Minneapolis Marriott. This award recognizes the City’s Department staff for their tireless work with contractors, homeowners, and commercial/industrial developers to ensure affordable public safety in the built environment and the efficient administration of construction codes.

The Building Department for 2023 included Building Official Lynn Timm, licensed inspectors Mike Schmidt and Steve Zabel, and support staff Pamela Helling, Julie Erickson, and Amy Riedel, as well as the recently retired Brenda Johnson. The Department has exceeded $125 million in permit value in each of the last two years, and annually issues nearly 1400 permits, conducts approximately 3400 inspections, and already this year has provided local Code training to over 150 building contractors and plumbing/heating/ventilation contractors. The total area covered by the City Building Department is 71.43 square miles.

Department Staff

Smiling woman with shoulder-length blond hair, wearing a black and red plaid shirt, posed in front of a gray background.
Lynn Timm
Building Official
A man, resembling Mike Schmidt, with short dark hair and glasses wears a gray long-sleeve shirt and sports a beard. Seated against a plain gray background, he looks directly at the camera with a neutral expression.
Mike Schmidt
Building Inspector
A man wearing a navy blue polo shirt, embroidered with
Steve Zabel
Building Inspector
A gray silhouette of a person on a light gray background, commonly used as a placeholder for profile images.
Erin Anderson
Planning, Zoning & Building Technician